You understand texts about day-to-day familiar subjects. You can tell a story, converse or write a simple text about familiar subjects.
Download our tips and tricks in the different sections: general tips and tricks, vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening and speaking. You can download this document so you always have the tips at hand:
Tips and tricks (download pdf)
Check out the websites we recommend to learn English (vocabulary, grammar, reading, writing, listening and speaking):
Interesting websites (download pdf)
Looking for a good online dictionary? We recommend the following websites:
Looking for a fun app to learn English? We recommend the following apps:
Looking for a good book, movie or TV series to learn English? Click here for our recommendations:
Books (download pdf)Movies (download pdf)TV series (download pdf)
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus Rotselaar
Aarschotsestw. 39
3110 Rotselaar
Sunday 27.10 at 10.15h
Closing session
Friday 01.11 at 16.15h
735 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus St.-Benoît (Maredsous)
Rue de Maredsous 12
5537 Denée (Maredsous)
Sunday 27.10 at 10.15h
Closing session
Friday 01.11 at 16.15h
675 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus St.-Benoît (Maredsous)
Rue de Maredsous 12
5537 Denée (Maredsous)
Sunday 02.03 at 10.15h
Closing session
Friday 07.03 at 16.15h
690 euros
Ruysschaert Language Academy © 2024
Wijngaardstraat 14, B-9000 Gent - BE0754865777
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