Normal version is free. Great for learning new vocabulary, pronunciation and collocations. There is also the option of adding friends and seeing howmuch experience points they have gained every day. You can also set a goal: experience or time. Another option on the free app is the test yourself in case you feel that you may have forgotten certain words from the first levels. Last but not least, there are wordgames and a daily question. You can see the answers of other people and reply to them.
Great app for practising your grammar knowledge. Tool from British Council.
Learn English with this free tool. Everything that you can find on BBC and British council can also be found here. Every day, there are new daily lessons. It even has news revieuws and allows you to save items in your bookmarks.
Hello English covers all the aspects of language learning, including vocabulary, translation, grammar, spellings, spoken, and reading skills. However, you should already be able to understand basic English structure, the app can’t help you learn English from scratch.
While playing ‘games’ you learn a lot of English vocabulary and grammar. Your goal other then being proficient in English? Conquering your language planet!
The Learn English Daily app focuses on pronunciation and everyday language, which all English learners need. This app uses British English, so it is a great way for students learning English in the USA to get exposure to another accent.
busuu is created by native speakers. You pick a level and the courses will be adapted for you. Busuu is also a social media platform where people can chat and share their learning experience.
Beelinguapp uses audiobooks to help you learn English. You can hear or read the book in English while also reading the text in your native language.
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus St.-Benoît (Maredsous)
Rue de Maredsous 12
5537 Denée (Maredsous)
Sunday 02.03 at 12.30h
Closing session
Friday 07.03 at 16.30h
695 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus Genk
Collegelaan 30
3600 Genk
Sunday 27.07 at 10.15h
Closing session
Friday 01.08 at 16.15h
730 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus Genk
Collegelaan 30
3600 Genk
Sunday 10.08 at 10.15h
Closing session
Friday 15.08 at 16.15h
730 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus Emmaüs (Maredsous)
Rue de Maredsous 15
5537 Denée (Maredsous)
Sunday 27.07 at 10.30h
Closing session
Friday 01.08 at 16.15h
695 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus Emmaüs (Maredsous)
Rue de Maredsous 15
5537 Denée (Maredsous)
Sunday 10.08 at 10.30h
Closing session
Friday 15.08 at 16.15h
695 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus St.-Benoît (Maredsous)
Rue de Maredsous 12
5537 Denée (Maredsous)
Sunday 02.03 at 10.00h
Closing session
Friday 07.03 at 16.00h
695 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus Hasselt
Kempische Steenweg 400
3500 Hasselt
Sunday 13.04 at 10.15h
Closing session
Friday 18.04 at 16.15h
750 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus Torhout
Bruggestraat 23
8820 Torhout
Sunday 06.07 at 10.15h
Closing session
Friday 11.07 at 16.15h
735 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus Tournai
Chss. de Tournai 7
7520 Ramegnies-Chin (Tournai)
Sunday 13.07 at 10.15h
Closing session
Friday 18.07 at 16.15h
735 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus St.-Benoît (Maredsous)
Rue de Maredsous 12
5537 Denée (Maredsous)
Sunday 20.07 at 10.15h
Closing session
Friday 25.07 at 16.15h
695 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus Rotselaar
Aarschotsestw. 39
3110 Rotselaar
Sunday 27.07 at 10.15h
Closing session
Friday 01.08 at 16.15h
735 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus Rotselaar
Aarschotsestw. 39
3110 Rotselaar
Sunday 03.08 at 10.15h
Closing session
Friday 08.08 at 16.15h
735 euros
Address (Show campus and pictures)
Campus Rotselaar
Aarschotsestw. 39
3110 Rotselaar
Sunday 10.08 at 10.15h
Closing session
Friday 15.08 at 16.15h
735 euros
Ruysschaert Language Academy © 2025
Wijngaardstraat 14, B-9000 Gent - BE0754865777
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