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English Course Tournai: 13-18 August


Welcome to the blog of our English Course in Tournai.

Sunday: day 1

Sunday it's the first day of our English Course in Tournai. We're looking forward to meeting all of our students and to spending an excellent week together! Believe us, it’ll be an incredible adventure. With one clear rule: we talk English always and everywhere!

Are you ready for the start of your week with Ruysschaert? You'll find all the practical information about the English Course via the personal link you've received by email. Just to make sure:

  • We expect pupils to arrive between 10h15 and 11h30. On arrival you'll receive the first practical information. Then you can take your luggage to your room and  make yourself at home. If you still have time, feel free to get to know the other participants.
  • At noon the director warmly welcomes everybody, parents and pupils, to the opening session, explains the arrangements and calls out the pupils’ names so that they can join their class.
  • Then comes the official start of the course.
  • We start with lunch followed by the tests and the first lesson.

See you soon!

PS: Are you curious to see how it all plans out on our language course? We post photos and videos on our Facebook & Instagram page and our blog every day so that we can keep you up-to-date with our activities. Go follow us @ruysschaertlanguageacademy ! We’ll post the first pictures from tomorrow!

Monday: day 2

What a great start we had yesterday to the English course. Many laughing faces and the first (albeit sometimes stilted) conversations with one another, in English. We are clearly on our way to a flying start!

Our priority on the first day was to make sure that the pupils felt at home. After a busy day with the level test and first lessons with vocabulary, sport and grammar, the students took part in their first evening activity: Meeting Game They had to solve riddles, play active games and find the right locations. All the classes were very enthusiastic!

They are showing real enthusiasm and motivation. Everyone wants to make a great week of it.

  • Curious about today's programme? Download here “The Daily Ruysschaert”
  • And take a quick look at yesterday's photos

Tuesday: day 3

Now that the pupils are getting to know one another even better and are already showing a considerable improvement, they are beginning to enjoy themselves more during the lessons and spare time activities. It was not easy for them to speak English at first, but now we can see that the words are coming more easily. And what if someone makes a mistake? That really doesn't matter. We can always learn something from that.

Yesterday, during the lessons, the students worked hard on their vocabulary, grammar and skills, but there was also time for sport and relaxation! The day ended with an evening activity packed with word games! The students had to use all their vocabulary knowledge to try to win. We played hangman, Pictionary, categories,.. Everyone was so eager and enthusiastic that all the classes got high scores.

  • Curious about today's programme? Download here “The Daily Ruysschaert” 
  • And take a quick look at yesterday's photos

Wednesday: day 4

Day 4, we are already half-way, but we are not thinking about going home yet! The atmosphere is good and the enthusiasm for speaking English grows a bit more every day especially now that it is getting easier to speak it. We learned a lot once again yesterday: the teachers provided exciting lessons full of grammar and vocabulary. Language skills were improved and the students took part in fun activities and had free time to relax. Even though this is a very positive learning environment, it still feels like a holiday!

  • Curious about today's programme? Download here “The Daily Ruysschaert
  • And take a quick look at yesterday's photos

Thursday: day 5

Yesterday everyone gave the best of themselves, on Wednesday we took class photos! The students showed off their best smile along with their teacher. What a pretty sight. If you didn't see your son or daughter on the previous photos anywhere, now is the time!

  • Curious about today's programme? Download here “The Daily Ruysschaert
  • And take a quick look at yesterday's photos

Friday: day 6

The last evening is always the highest point of the week. During the Ruysschaert Talent Show the pupils (and teachers) could share their talents with everyone. The show was a complete success! What a fantastic last evening of a wonderful week!

  • Curious about today's programme? Download here “The Daily Ruysschaert” 
  • And take a quick look at yesterday's photos

Today it is already the last day of our English course in Tournai. The language adventure has flown by so fast! We have laughed, played and learned a lot. And all in a foreign language. We will gladly share all those beautiful moments in this way with our closing video.

Our sincere thanks to everyone for this fabulous week at Ruysschaert. You were fabulous!

See you this autumn?

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