“Pick up your language certificate recognised around the world!”
Students who want to go even further can prepare during 2 of our courses (14-19 Juy | Maredsous and 11-16 August | Rotselaar) for the “Cambridge English” examination of the University of Cambridge (U.K.). Gaining this Certificate means: a language level recognised around the world by more than 20,000 colleges, universities, companies and organisations.
A language examination is appropriate for students who have reached a higher level, but Cambridge organises exams for any level.
Would you like to take the Cambridge Exam soon? With our lessons we will get you completely ready for your exam. Our teacher was an examiner for the Cambridge Exam in the past and is the perfect person to prepare you for the exam.
The lessons include:
Are you interested or would you like to receive additional information? Feel free to send an email to info@ruysschaert.be.
Ruysschaert Language Academy © 2024
Wijngaardstraat 14, B-9000 Gent - BE0754865777